Water Bowl Hockey

For those of you not quite familiar with the wonderful sport of water bowl hockey, here is a brief outline of the scoring system.

Points are awarded based on technical and creative performance.
The rules of the game are as follows:

  • Water bowl must be at least 2/3's full to obtain full marks.
  • Owner must out of visual range of the water bowl for the game to begin.

    Although this is an individual sport, points can be awarded for joint ventures.
    Technical points are based on the following:
  • amount of water displaced in one paw swipe (additional swipes will result in a lower score)
  • distance water bowl lands from originating point and where (all the way down the hall or into living room are considered equal)
  • position that water bowl finishes in (upside down is worth more than on side, which is worth more than in an upright position) Creative points are based on the following:
  • number of wet appendages (the higher number of wet paws the higher the score)
  • use of muzzle or teeth for initial velocity to be considered cheating
  • time of day, just as I am going out the door is worth extra aggravation points, when people are here to see about Airedales is worth 10 bonus points. (hey, they might as well know about it right from the start)
  • selection of music (noise), As the water bowl hockey season continues I will keep you posted on the various player's scores.
    The ranking as at today is:
    Jet is in first. Jet gained a strong lead for her unique wake up call. Although the rules clearly state that using the teeth or muzzle is considered cheating ,she showed true creative talent by carrying the water bowl into my bedroom and then dumping the contents on my face while I was sleeping. (so much for trying to sleep in).
    Ellie is in second. Although this player shows good technical ability in distances achieved and amount of water displace, her creative abilities need inspiration.
    Glory is in third. I suspect that this player will stay in third rank for the entire season. This player lacks the motivation (perhaps age is an issue) to truly be considered a serious contender.

    One scoring item I don't see here -- but which deserves IMHO bonus points is the category of scoring for multi-bowl holders. I built a feeding stand for Merlin which is 17 inches tall (so that he doesn't have to lie on the floor to eat/drink), and it is 26 inches long by about 14incheswide. Two stainless steel bowls are held so that the rim of each bowl is fully supported by the top of the stand, but so that FINGERS, not ADT appendages-teeth-whatever, are required to remove the bowls from the stand for refilling. OK here's the question. When both bowls are 2/3 or more full, and the ADT causes the entire thing to fly across the room, into the den, into the hall, etc., how do we calculate the bonus points? I have seen tooth marks on the stand, but I have never caught Merlin in the act of throwing the stand. I suspect it is a combination HEADBUTT, but I am not certain. Does water on the ceiling count for extra points? On the dining table? INTO THE @#!@#^*!^@#$E^ TOASTER? What about Eukanuba which flies to the tops of counters and/or the refrigeration and/or into open kitchen cabinets, onto stereo equipment, etc.? Really. Curious minds want to know. And we may need a wb hocky franchise in Atlanta.

    Does water on the ceiling count for extra points?
    On the dining table?
    INTO THE @#!@#^*!^@#$E^ TOASTER?
    What about Eukanuba which flies to the tops of counters and/or the refrigeration and/or into open kitchen cabinets, onto stereo equipment, etc.?
    Double bonus if he can get it back down again later.

    Gilmour does this with his empty stainless food bowl. He bashes the bowl with a front paw to tip it upside down. Next, he stands over it, and pushes it back between his two back legs and slams it into the wall. Since the kitchen floor is tiled, it makes an unbelievably loud noise, and the louder it bangs into the wall the better. Incidentally, Molly seems to get turned on by this, and spends all her time trying to grab and hump Gilmour while he only wants to play with his bowl!

    We have a large crockery water bowl for our ADT (Calvin), and a crockery food bowl as well. At least he can't turn them over. But he can drag them all over the house. And if he doesn't spill water everywhere, he nevertheless flips water everywhere (and his food as well). The best remedy we have found is simply to leave the bathroom door open and the toilet lid up. Calvin prefers that anyway.

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